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Build a Monarch Waystation

One of the easiest and most effective ways to support monarch butterflies is to create and certify a Monarch Waystation by growing native milkweed and nectar plants. Get started for free by contacting us at!

This initiative is proudly funded by Monarchs Matter and the ReWild Community Gardens Program. 

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What is a Monarch Waystation?

A Monarch Waystation are intentionally managed gardens or spaces that support monarch butterflies throughout their multi-generational,  3000-mile migration—hence, the term "waystation," which means a stopping point along a journey.


These waystations provide two essential resources for monarch butterflies: (1) nectar plants, an energy source for adult monarch butterflies (like all pollinators!) and (2) milkweed, the sole host plant of monarch butterflies. This means that adult monarch butterflies only lay their eggs on milkweed, and monarch larvae only consume milkweed as a food source. Remarkably, this dependence on milkweed is a defense mechanism—monarch butterflies have evolved to tolerate the toxic white sap or "milk" in milkweed, making them poisonous to predators.

The 3 major types of milkweeds are:

  • Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca): widespread in the eastern US; known for its large oval leaves with abundant milky sap

  • Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata): prefers moist, wetland areas

  • Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa): known for its bright orange flowers; has translucent watery sap

The best nectar plants for monarchs during migration are annuals, biennials or perennials that bloom throughout the summer breeding and fall migration season. Some of them are:

  • ​Goldenrod (Solidago spp.): dense clusters of small yellow flowers make an excellent late-season nectar source; large pollen grains also make them popular with bees

  • New England Aster (Aster novae-angliae): bountiful, purple flowers that are among the last to bloom in the fall

  • Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium spp.): tall, sturdy plant with pink flower clusters that are a monarch favorite

  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): popular garden flower that attracts both pollinators and seed-eating birds

  • Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta): sturdy yellow petals provide a landing pad; the dark center or "eye" of the flower holds 250-500 individual flowers, each containing a sweet nectar cup

  • Blazing Star (Liatris spp.): unique violet flower stalks attract a variety of pollinators


​Find Monarch Watch's list of suggested waystation milkweed and nectar plants here and the milkweed and nectar plant species native to your region here.

Benefits of Establishing a Monarch Waystation

1. Support Monarch Conservation: Milkweed and nectar plants directly support monarch butterflies’ migration and reproduction.


2. Enhance Local Biodiversity: Waystations provide food and shelter for not only monarchs but also countless native pollinators like bees, beetles, ants, ladybugs, flies, aphids, and other butterfly species.


3. Educational Opportunities: By involving community members and youth in building and maintaining the plants, a waystation offers hands-on projects to participants and teaches them the interconnectedness of monarchs, native plants, and the broader ecosystem.


4. Contribute to Citizen Science: Through programs like Monarch Watch and the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, a waystation can be certified and be used to collect valuable data for conservation planning and research.


5. Aesthetic Value: A thriving waystation adds beauty to public spaces and home yards with vibrant flowers and wildlife.


How to Certify Your Monarch Waystation

1. Habitat Checklist:

  • Size: At least 100 square feet

  • Sunlight: At least 6 hours of full sun per day

  • Soil: Light (low-clay) soil with good drainage

  • Milkweed Plants: At least 10 native milkweed plants, preferably consisting of two different species, planted relatively close to form a safe shelter from predators

  • Nectar Plants: A variety of annual/biennial/perennial nectar-producing flowers that bloom throughout the summer breeding and fall migration seasons

  • Maintenance: Incorporate spray-free and sustainable practices, such as mulching, removing invasives, and fertilizing


2. Certification Process:

  • Application & Registration: Fill out the Monarch Watch Monarch Waystation Certification application once your habitat fulfills the aforementioned habitat criteria and recommendations. Upon successful completion, Monarch Watch will mail you a physical certificate within 1-2 weeks and add your waystation to the Monarch Waystation Registry to acknowledge your contribution to monarch conservation.

  • Signage (Optional): You have the option to purchase an official Monarch Waystation sign to install in your habitat, which helps raise awareness of your conservation efforts and inspire others to get involved.

Our Monarch Waystations

Monarchs Matter partners with the ReWild Long Island Community Gardens Program to fund and build certified monarch waystations for community groups throughout Long Island, New York.


In 2024, Monarchs Matter established the following 10 certified waystations across 8 towns on Long Island, covering a total area of over 28,000 square feet.


City of Glen Cove Rewild Garden, Glen Cove, NY 

Custer Preserve Native Plant Garden, Southold, NY

Downs Farm Preserve, Cutchogue, NY

Ethical Humanist Society ReWild Garden, Garden City, NY

Great Neck South High School Pollinator Patio, Great Neck, NY

Peconic Community School Rewild Garden, Cutchogue, NY

Peggy Maslow’s Home Yard, Port Washington, NY

Rewild Long Island Garden at Dodge, Port Washington, NY

River and Roots Community Garden , Riverhead, NY

Science Museum of Long Island Garden, Manhasset, NY


We believe habitat restoration is the easiest and most effective way to support monarch butterflies while engaging people in environmental stewardship. Through community workshops and the RTR Summer Program, Monarchs Matter has distributed 150 milkweed plants to local families and youth to plant at their home yards and planted 2,000 nectar flowers in district parks. Soon the families will enjoy the delightful sounds and sights of birds, bees, and butterflies in their homes and public parks, fostering a deeper connection with the environment.

Start Your Journey with Monarchs Matter


If you want to plant milkweed in a home yard or community garden, consider:

To learn more about ReWild Long Island Community Gardens Program, contact or visit ReWild Long Island for more information.


Already have a garden that meets monarch habitat requirements? Get it certified as a monarch waystation by Monarchs Matter! All you need to do is answer the following 3 questions, and we will mail you the monarch waystation certification and sign—entirely free of charge. 

The certification process is fully funded by Monarchs Matter, thanks to the support from EarthEcho International and the Bow Seat True Blue Fellowship!

1. What is your preferred shipping address and phone number?

2. What would you like your monarch waystation name to be on your registration? 

3. What size is your monarch habitat in square feet?

For more detailed information on creating and certifying a Monarch Waystation, explore resources from Monarch Watch, American Meadows, Wilson College, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, and Natural History Museum.

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